Compostable Deli Containers At West Village Market & A Special Incentive to Make The Leap!
Do You Know About Food Waste?
In the U.S., food is the singlemost common material sent to landfills, comprising 24.1 percent of municipal solid waste. When yard trimmings, wood and paper/paperboard are added to food, these organic materials comprise 51.4 percent of municipal solid waste in landfills. (EPA)
As a part of our Sustainability Mission, we’re proud to say that we now use commercially compostable deli containers!
Which means that they fully break down in a commercial composting system… but not in your backyard compost (they need additional heat!)
Simply bring your empties back to the Market and we’ll have them composted by our local composting hero, Danny’s Dumpsters, who takes care of all of our compostables! Our goal is to keep our containers out of the landfill!
We chose the option of compostable containers, even though it’s more costly, because we didn’t want to keep giving out plastic containers that cannot be recycled and would end up in the landfill. Equally as troublesome is our compostable containers going into the landfill. They will not break down in the landfill…nor will food scraps! Per the EPA: “The wasted food rots and produces methane, a greenhouse gas 28 times as powerful as Co2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere.” In the landfill, buried under layers of waste and without access to light or oxygen, food cannot decompose. So let’s get all these things where they belong…
Compost your containers in the commercial compost at the Market! (We have a receptacle for them underneath the soup station)
Compostable deli containers at West Village Market & Deli!
Take The Leap To Composting!
If you don’t have a compost bin yet, here’s a link to a great home service for composting. Or, if you want to buy your own compost bin, there are so many great options, in so many price ranges!
As an incentive to take the leap, we’ll give you a 15%-off one-time shopping spree, if you bring us your receipt for a new compost bin!!
At the Market, we compost all of our deli scraps and any unusable produce or food waste. We feel so good about doing whatever we can to both reduce greenhouse gases, AND, minimize the space we require in the already overburdened landfill.
And you can too! Please help by letting us compost the deli containers we sell you!